Hi, I’m Crumpet, my brother Triscuit and I . We were rescued from the winter cold along with our other brother Crouton (now adopted) and our mom and dad. Daddy’s front paws were badly infected because he would protect us from other animals and he would get hurt. He’s a lot better now and Mom and Dad are being fostered by the man who called Rescue Angels.
We used to be really scared of our foster human. Not so much now because he spends a lot of time playing with us and he hasn’t tried to hurt us or eat us. When he’s tired, he joins us on the big bed for a nap. That has been great! We have found that humans are pretty good. We purr like crazy when he pets us or holds us.
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Age: 6 months
DOB: January 2016
Sex: Male
Color: Black
I would love to be adopted with my brother. We help each other out when we aren’t sure about stuff. We need a family that understands that we will need a little bit of time to get used to our forever home. We have lots of love to give to anyone who will love us back.